Handouts and Schedule CS7960 Spring 2010

A) Feature Detection and Characterization

Jan 14-26, 2010 Chapters FEV book (Bart M. ter Haar Romeny,

Front End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis)

00a_Titlepage (PDF Format)

00b_Introduction (PDF Format)

01_Apertures (PDF Format)

02_Foundations_of_scalespace (PDF Format)

03_The_Gaussian_kernel (PDF Format)

04_Gaussian_Derivatives (PDF Format)

05_Multscale Derivatives (PDF Format)

06_Differential_Invariant_Structure (PDF Format)


Slides by Guido Gerig

Introduction (PDF Format)

FEV_Chapters_1_2 (PDF Format)

FEV_Chapter_3_4 (PDF Format)

Jan 27, 2010: Edge Detection, Canny (Alton Alexander)

Notes (handwritten, Gerig) (PDF Format)

Project 1 “Blob Detection by Scale Selection” out

Feb 02, 2010: Scale Space – Fingerprint: Andrew Witkin: (Neda Sadhegi)

            Papers see link to Materials

Feb 04, 2010: Multi-Scale Ridge Detection: Subirana-Vilanova & Sung (Manasi Datar)

            Papers see link to Materials

            Discussion FEV 06_Differential_Invariant_Structure

Feb 09: 2010: Anisotropic Diffusion: Perona and Malik: (James Fishbaugh)

            Papers see link to Materials

Feb 11, 2010: Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion, Yu and Acton (Bo Wang)

            Papers see link to Materials

            Project 1 in

            Project 2 “Anisotropic Diffusion” out

B) Shape Analysis

Feb 16, 2010: Introduction Shape Analysis: Slides, DrydenMardia

Feb 18, 2010: Moment Invariants: Slides-Gerig, Paper-Hu-1962, Teh-Chin-IEEE-TPAMI-1988

Feb 23, 2010: Moment Invariants, ctd.: Complex-Moments-Mostafa-Psaltis-PAMI-1985

Fourier Descriptors of Shape Contours, (Xiang Hao): Paper-Kuhl-Giardina-1982, Paper-Staib-Duncan-1992

Feb 25, 2010: Fourier Descriptors ctd.: Complex-Harmonics, Slides-Gerig, Handwritten-Notes-Gerig

                       COOL DEMO’s Elliptic Harmonics: CorpusCallosum, DuckShape

            Project 2 “Anisotropic Diffusion” in

            Project 3 “Fourier Harmonics” out

March 02, 2010: Active Shape Models ASM (Bradley Grimm): ASM-Cootes-Taylor, SlidesASM (slides include movies)

March 04, 2010: Active Appearance Models AAM (Yanfei Mao): Slides_Y_Mao, AAM-Cootes-Edwards-Taylor, Slides-AAM1, Slides AAM2 (slides include movies)

March 09, 2010: Medial Axis Transform MAT (Pruning of Voronoi-Diagram) (Avantika Vardhan): Slides_A_Vardhan, MAT_Paper_Blum, Gerig_Notes, Voronoi_Skeleton_Ogniewicz

March 11, 2010: Medial Axis Transform Methodology: Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton and Shock Graphs (Peihong Zhu): Slides_P_Zhu, Siddiqi_Hamilton, Siddiqi_Shock_Grammar

            Project 3 “Fourier Harmonics” in

            Project 4 “ASM” out

March 16, 2010: 3D Shape Analysis: Spherical Harmonics (Xiaoyue Huang): Slides_X_Huang, Kelemen1998-summary, IEEE_TMI1999, Brechbuehler1995-closed-surfaces, Brechbuehler1995-SPHARM

March 18, 2010: Continuous 2d and 3D medial shape models (Wei Liu): Slides_Wei_Liu, Yushkevich_cmrep_2002

March 23, 2010:Spring Break

March 25, 2010: Spring Break

C) Object Segmentation

March 30, 2010: Generalized Hough Transform (Brian Matthews): Slides_Brian_Matthews, Paper_GHT

April 01, 2010: Snakes: Deformable Models (Anuja Sharma):Slides_ASharma

, Paper_Snakes_Kass, Lecture_Notes_B_Morse, Lecture_Notes_JHU

            Project 4 “ASM” in

            Project 5 “Snakes” out

April 06, 2010: Snakes: Active Shape Models (Seyed Mojtaba Seyedhosseini Tarzjani): Slides_MS, Paper_Cootes_IVC95

April 08, 2010: Level-set evolution, geodesic snakes (Jonathan Bronson):

Slides_JBronson, Slides_GGerig, Notes_GGerig, Paper_Caselles, Paper_Malladi

Additional Material LevelSet Segmentation




April 13, 2010:

Normalized Graph Cuts NGC (Gopalkrishna Veni): Slides_GV, Paper_Shi_Malik1997, Paper_Shi_Malik_IEEE-PAMI-2000

Normalized Graph Cuts: Excellent Introduction from Forsyth and Ponce Book: PDF_Copy


Tensor Voting (Zhe Leng): Slides_ZL, Paper_Medioni, Paper_Franken_2006

Tensor voting web-site (Gerard Medioni): http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/MORDOHAI/tensorvoting.html



D) Image Registration

April 15, 2010: Registration I (Shashidhar PUCHAKAYALA):

Slides_SP, Book_Chapter_LinReg, Paper_Mutual_Inf_Reg, Notes_MI_GG

            Project 5 “Snakes” in

            Project 6 “Graph Cuts” out

April 20, 2010: Registration II: Deformable Registration (Hongchang Peng): Slides_HP

April 22, 2010: Currents: Correspondence-free Mapping (Guest Lecture Stanley Durrleman, PhD):




April 27, 2010: Unbiased Atlas Building: Slides_Gerig, Paper_Joshi

April 29 (Thursday): Project 6 in