Reconstruction of a closed curve from its elliptic descriptor

There are three sliders on the bottom of the window. The first slider sets a delay between frames. The second slider changes the number of ellipses used in the reconstruction. The third slider changes the number of sample points used for the reconstruction. If the applet gets confused or hung, try reloading the page.

A 2D contour is reconstructed from its elliptic Fourier descriptor.

this second applet should allow you to modify the coefficients of the first one. The first line should be a single number, specifying the total number of ellipses. This number specifies how many lines of numbers to read in. Next should be a blank line. Then the coefficients can be specified as real numbers, separated by whitespace, four to a row, except for the first set, which only needs two. The default set of coefficients is a corpus callosum from the BIOMORPH schizophrenia project (sMain001).

This is a copy of the original demo webpage by Christian Brechbuhler, with some cleanup of so as to use AWT Scrollbar instead of AWT Slider.