at the University of Utah

An internationally recognized leader in visualization, scientific computing, and image analysis

SCI Publications


O. Portniaguine, D.M. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson. “Focusing Inversion of Electroencephalography and Magnetoencephalography Data,” In 3rd International Symposium On Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging, Journal of Biomedizinische Technik (special issue), Vol. 46, Innsbruck, Austria pp. 115--117. Sep, 2001.

R. Rawat, S.G. Parker, P.J. Smith, C.R. Johnson. “Parallelization and Integration of Fire Simulations in the Uintah PSE,” In Proceedings of the Tenth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Portsmouth, Virginia, March 12-14, 2001.

E. Reinhard, P. Shirley, C.D. Hansen. “Parallel point reprojection,” In Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 symposium on parallel and large-data visualization and graphics, pp. 29--35. 2001.
DOI: 10.1109/PVGS.2001.964400


Improvements in hardware have recently made interactive ray tracing practical for some applications. However, when the scene complexity or rendering algorithm cost is high, the frame rate is too low in practice. Researchers have attempted to solve this problem by caching results from ray tracing and using these results in multiple frames via reprojection. However, the reprojection can become too slow when the number of samples that are reused is high, so previous systems have been limited to small images or a sparse set of computed pixels. To overcome this problem we introduce techniques to perform this reprojection in a scalable fashion on multiple processors.

L.M. Schultz, C.R. Butson, G.A. Clark. “Post-light potentiation at type B to A photoreceptor connections in Hermissenda,” In Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 7--32. July, 2001.

A. Shamir, V. Pascucci. “Temporal and Spatial Level of Details for Dynamic Meshes,” In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2001, Banff Center, Canada, ACM, November, 2001.

B. Taccardi, B.B. Punske, R.S. MacLeod, Q. Ni. “Extracardiac Effects of Myocardial Electrical Anisotropy,” In Biomed. Technik, Vol. 46(suppl 2), pp. 216--218. 2001.

X. Tricoche, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen. “Tensor Topology Tracking: A Visualization Method for Time-Dependent 2D Symmetric Tensor Fields,” In Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 20, No. 3, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 461-470. Sep, 2001.
DOI: 10.1111/1467-8659.00539

X. Tricoche, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen. “Vector and Tensor Topology Simplification on Irregular Grids,” In Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics-IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization: Data Visualization 2001, pp. 101--116. 2001.

X. Tricoche, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen. “Topology-based Visualization of Time-Dependent 2D Vector Fields,” In Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics-IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization: Data Visualization 2001, pp. 117--126. 2001.

X. Tricoche, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen. “Continuous Topology Simplification of Planar Vector Fields,” In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, pp. 159--166. 2001.

R. Van Uitert, D. Weinstein, C.R. Johnson, L. Zhukov. “Finite Element EEG and MEG Simulations for Realistic Head Models: Quadratic vs. Linear Approximations,” In Biomed. Technik, Vol. 46, pp. 32--34. 2001.

M. Walkley, P.K. Jimack, M. Berzins. “Mesh Quality for Three-dimensional Finite Element Solutions on Anisotropic Meshes,” In Proceedings of FEM3D, GUKUTO International Series, Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Vol. 15, pp. 310--321. 2001.

M. Walkley, P.K. Jimack, M. Berzins. “Anisotropic Adaptivity for Finite Element Solutions of 3-D Convection-Dominated Problems,” In Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics VII, Edited by M.J. Baines, ICFD, Oxford, pp. 525--531. 2001.
ISBN: 0 9524929 2 X

M. Walkley, P.K. Jimack, M. Berzins. “Mesh Quality and Anisotropic Adaptivity for Finite Element Solutions of 3-D Convection-Dominated Problems,” In Proceedings of ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2001, Swansea, UK, 2001.
ISBN: 0 905 091 12 4

L. Wang, S.C. Joshi, M.I. Miller, J. Csernansky. “Statistical Analysis of Hippocampal Asymmetry in Schizophrenia,” In Neuroimage, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 531--545. September, 2001.

D. Weinstein, O. Portniaguine, L. Zhukov. “A Comparison of Dipolar and Focused Inversion for EEG Source Localization,” In Biomed. Technik, Vol. 46 (special issue), pp. 121--123. Sep, 2001.

J.A. Weiss, J.C. Gardiner. “Computational Modeling of Ligament Mechanics,” In Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1--70. 2001.

R. Westermann, C.R. Johnson, T. Ertl. “Topology Preserving Smoothing of Vector Fields,” In IEEE Trans. Vis & Comp. Graph., Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 222--229. 2001.
DOI: 10.1109/2945.942690


Proposes a technique for topology-preserving smoothing of sampled vector fields. The vector field data is first converted into a scalar representation in which time surfaces implicitly exist as level sets. We then locally analyze the dynamic behavior of the level sets by placing geometric primitives in the scalar field and by subsequently distorting these primitives with respect to local variations in this field. From the distorted primitives, we calculate the curvature normal and we use the normal magnitude and its direction to separate distinct flow features. Geometrical and topological considerations are then combined to successively smooth dense flow fields, at the same time retaining their topological structure.

Keywords: vector field methods, ip image processing signal processing, surface processing, ncrr

R.T. Whitaker. “Reconstructing Terrain Maps from Dense Range Data,” In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 165--168. October, 2001.

R.T. Whitaker, X. Xue. “Variable-Conductance, Level-Set Curvature for Image Denoising,” In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 142--145. October, 2001.