Short Bio
Ingo Wald is a director of ray tracing at NVIDIA, and adjunct
Assistant Professor at the University of Utah. He
received his master's degree from Kaiserslautern University
and his PhD from Saarland University (both on ray
tracing-related topics). He then served as a post-doctorate
at the Max-Planck Institute Saarbruecken, as a research
professor at the University of Utah, and as technical lead
for Intel's software-defined rendering activities. Ingo has
played a lead role in multiple widely used software projects
(such as Embree, OSPRay, or OWL), has
co-authored more than a hundred papers,
and has received multiple awards for his work, including a Technical Achievement Award of the Academy of Motion Pictures
for Embree. His interests
revolve around all aspects of efficient and high-performance
ray tracing, from visualization to production rendering,
from real-time to offline rendering, and from hard- to
Nov 2022
- Added recent ArXiv papers on parallel gpu k-d tree construction and stack-free k-d tree traversal
- Added Nate's IEEE Vis paper on "Quick Clusters" (Grats on the Best Paper / Honorable Mention!)
- Added (missing) 2021 paper on RT Core base Eulerian/Lagrangian Simulation
Sep 2022
- Several updates to the publications page
- Finally did the long overdue update of my publications page, and in particular uploaded the "Brix", "Island", and "Clusters" papers.
- "Brix" paper now finally online:
Data Parallel Path Tracing with Object Hierarchies
Ingo Wald and Steven G Parker
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques (Proceedings of High Performance Graphics), 2022.
(second best paper award).
June 2022
- "Brix" paper (on data parallel path tracing) got best paper award at HPG
- (pdf to come soon)
Key Papers...
Assuming you visited this page primarily for the paper
links: please have a look at
my complete publications page
(most recent papers on top). For quick reference, here the probably two
most important ones:
Embree - A Kernel Framework for Efficient CPU Ray Tracing
Ingo Wald, Sven Woop, Carsten Benthin, Gregory S Johnson, and Manfred Ernst
ACM Transactions on Graphics (proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH) 2014
OSPRay - A CPU Ray Tracing
Framework for Scientific Visualization.
Ingo Wald, Gregory P Johnson, Jefferson Amstutz, Carson
Brownlee, Aaron Knoll, Jim Jeffers, Johannes Guenther, and
Paul Navratil.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2016). Volume 23, issue
1, 2017.
Research interests
- Ray Tracing
- High-performance graphics and Visual Computing
using architectures such as Intel Many-Integrated
Core (MIC) / Intel Xeon Phi architectures.
- Programming Models and Compilers for High-Performance Computing
- Photorealistic Image Synthesis and Physically-correct Lighting Simulation
- Interactive Global Illumination
- Scientific Visualization and High-performance Computing
- Parallel and Distributed Computing (in
particular on PC clusters and high-throughput
computing platforms like Larrabee)
- Multiresolution methods (in particular for point-based and
volume/isosurface data)
- Interactive Visualization of Massively Complex (and potentially
time-varying) data sets)
- Hierarchical Index Structures and Efficient Traversal Algorithms
Education / Mini-CV
2018-today |
Director, Ray Tracing, NVIDIA |
2007-2018 |
Research Scientist (eventually: Principal Engineer), Intel Labs, Intel Corp |
2006-2007 |
Research Assistant Professor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City |
2005-2006 |
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Utah, Salt Lake City |
2004-2005 |
Research Associate (Post-Doc), Max Planck Institut Informatik in Saarbruecken |
May 2004 |
PhD in Computer Science (Dr.-ing), Computer Graphics Group, Saarland University |
2000-2004 |
Research Assistant, Computer Graphics Group, Saarland University |
1993-1999 |
Diplom Informatik (Master of Computer Science equivalent), University of Kaiserslautern |
Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)
About SCI |
SCI People |
SCI Coordinates |
This web page is maintained by
Ingo Wald.
Document last modified on 2/2/19