
Carlos E. Scheidegger, Shachar Fleishman and Claudio T. Silva
Triangulating Point Set Surfaces with Bounded Error
Accepted to SGP 2005

Shachar Fleishman and Daniel Cohen-Or and Claudio Silva
Robust Moving Least-squares Fitting with Sharp Features
Accepted to ACM TOG (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '05) 24(3) 2005

Dirce Uesu, Louis Bavoil, Shachar Fleishman, Jason Shepherd and Claudio T. Silva
Simplification of Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes by Point-Sampling
Accepted to Volume Graphics 2005

Shachar Fleishman
Point Set Surfaces.
Phd dissertation Oct 2003

Shachar Fleishman, Marc Alexa, Daniel Cohen-Or and Claudio T. Silva
Progressive Point Set Surfaces.
ACM TOG 22(4) 997-1011
pdf 5.9M bib

Shachar Fleishman, Iddo Drori and Daniel Cohen-Or
Bilateral Mesh Denoising.
ACM TOG (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '03) 22(3) 950-953
pdf 3M   ppt 7.7M bib

Marc Alexa, Johannes Behr, Daniel Cohen-Or, Shachar Fleishman, David Levin and Claudio T. Silva
Computing and Rendering Point Set Surfaces,
IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Visulization V9, No.1
pdf 5.6M bib

W. Corrêa, S. Fleishman, and C. Silva
Towards Point-Based Acquisition and Rendering of Large Real-World Environments
pdf 1.5M bib

Marc Alexa, Johannes Behr, Daniel Cohen-Or, Shachar Fleishman, David Levin and Claudio T. Silva
Point Set Surfaces.
IEEE Visualization 2001.
abstract pdf 5.2M    bib

Shachar Fleishman, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Dani Lischinski.
Automatic camera placement for image-based modeling.
Computer Graphics Forum, 19(2):100-110, Jun 2000.
abstract    pdf 776K    bib

Daniel Cohen-Or, Yair Mann, and Shachar Fleishman.
Deep compression for streaming texture intensive animations.
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99, 261-268, August 1999. ISBN 0-20148-560-5. Held in Los Angeles, California.
abstract    pdf 1.7M  bib

Shachar Fleishman, Baoquan Chen, Arie Kaufman, and Daniel Cohen-Or.
Navigating through sparse views.
In Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 82-87, Dec 1999.
abstract    pdf 1.9M    bib

Daniel Cohen-Or and Shachar Fleishman.
An Incremental Alignment Algorithm for Parallel Volume Rendering,
Computer Graphics Forum, abstract    pdf 141K   ps.gz version 43K    bib

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