

ShapeWorks is a free, open-source suite of software tools for optimizing correspondence points on a cohort of anatomical shapes developed at the University of Utah. As a developer on the ShapeWorks team, I have created new use cases demonstrating the grooming and optimization pipeline. In addition, I have added a deep learning framework Python package to the software suite and I am working on incorporating it into the GUI interface.

Avalanche Investigator (AvI)

AvI - Avalanche Investigator: Exploring Characteristics of Utah's Reported Avalanches Over Time is an interactive data visualization project I did with Max Marno for a data visualization course. Implemented using JavaScript and D3, this tool allows the user to explore how the characteristics reported about Utah's avalanches have changed over time. The data was provided by the Utah Avalanche Center.

Winner of the U of U Data Viz course "Hall of Fame"

Other Course Projects
