Krithika Iyer

Scientific Computing & Imaging Institute

Kahlert School of Computing

University of Utah 

About Me

I'm currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah, working under the guidance of Dr. Shireen Elhabian. Prior to this, I earned my Bachelor of Engineering from Maharashtra Institute of Technology, University of Pune. After completing my undergraduate studies, I gained valuable experience as an Associate System Engineer at IBM Global Business Services. 

My research focuses on machine learning, probabilistic modeling, deep learning, and statistical shape modeling. I am particularly passionate about exploring the applications of these areas in healthcare, aiming to contribute to advancements in diagnosis and treatment. 

If you have any questions or are interested in collaborating, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I am actively looking for Research Scientist positions in computer vision (3D), medical imaging, and machine learning.

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