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Up: Cache-Rings for Memory Efficient Isosurface Construction
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Future Work

Having optimized the surface construction method for regularly-gridded scalar fields, we will now being looking at memory access patterns for other commonly-used algorithms, such as isosurface extraction on irregular grids, and streamline advection.

We look forward to running our code on MIPS R10000 processors in the near future to obtain accurate statistics on cache performance. We would also like to obtain performance statistics on machines with other memory architecture configurations for comparison. Additionally, we would like to have accurate counts of the number of instructions executed for the various surface extraction methods.

In the mean time, we will investigate developing a small simulator to derive cache-performance and instruction count data for those architectures where such statistics are not available. As we can better micro-profile our code to determine architecture-dependent slow-downs, we will continue to develop new algorithms and data-structures which better map to the underlying architectures.

Finally, we have not addressed any of the load-balancing issues which arise from multiprocessor implementations. It would be reasonable to vary the slab thickness in order to accommodate the varying number of surface intersections throughout the volume. We will investigate such load-balancing issues in future versions of this algorithm.

Scientific Computing and Imaging
Wed Apr 23 17:39:06 MDT 1997