Rob's Conference Page
Upcoming Conferences
- Gordon Conference in Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, February 23 -
28, 2025 in Ciocco, Italy.
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) March
23-25, 2025 in Lago di Garda, Italy
- Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)
2025 April 24-27, 2025 in San Diego, CA.
- FIMH 2025
FIMH: Function
Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, June 2-4, 2025 in
Dallas, TX.
Consortium for ECGI Summit, June 11-13, 2025 in Krakow, Poland.
ICE 2025: International
Congress on Electrocardiology (ICE), TBD .
Upcoming Training and Courses
Other conference summaries
Links to Past Courses
Links to Past Conferences
2024 Conferences
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2024,
April 3-7, 2024 in Chateau, Elan, GA.
- Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)
2024 May 16-19, 2024 in Boston, MA.
Fifth Biomedical Engineering Education Summit. May 29-31, 2024 in
Newark, New Jersey.
- ICE 2024: International
Congress on Electrocardiology (ICE), June 12-14, 2024 in Lund,
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2024, 30 August- 02 September,
2024 London, in London, UK.
- CinC: Computing in Cardiology
2024 (CinC), Sept. 8-11, 2024, in Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, (MICCAI) 2024, Oct
6-10, 2024 in Marrakesh, Morocco.
- BMES 2024: Biomedical
Engineering Society, October 23-26, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland.
2023 Conferences
- Heart Rhythm Society (HRS)
2023 May 19-21, 2023 in New Orleans, LA.
- Measurement 2023, May
28-31, 2023, in Smolenice Castle situated near Bratislava, Slovakia.
- FIMH 2023 FIMH: Function
Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, June 19-22, 2023 in
Lyon, France.
ICE 2023: International Congress
on Electrocardiology (ICE), July 6-9, 2023 in Sapporo, Japan.
- 45th International IEEE
EMBS Conference, Jul 24-28, 2023 in Sydney, Australia.
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2023,
March 29-April 2, 2023 in Indian Well, CA.
European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), April 16-18, 2023 in
Barcelona, Spain.
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2023, Aug 25-28, 2023, in
Amsterdam, NL.
- CinC, Computing in Cardiology
2023 (CinC), Sept. 24-28, 2023, in Atlanta GA, USA (Hybrid).
- Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, (MICCAI) 2023, Oct
8-12, 2023 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- BMES 2023: Biomedical
Engineering Society, Oct. 11-14, 2021 in Seattle, WA.
- Consortium for ECGI Workshop, Nov 5-8, 2023 in Valencia, Spain.
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2021,
April 28 - May 1, 2021 in Virtual format.
- ICE 2021: International Congress
on Electrocardiology, April 15-17, 2021 in VIRTUAL format.
- 10th International IEEE
EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, May 4-6, 2021 (VIRTUAL).
Note: our Uncertainty Quantification team will be hosting a
minisymposium at this conference.
- FIMH 2021 FIMH: Function
Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, June 21-24, 2021 in
Standford CA (VIRTUAL).
- CinC, Computing in Cardiology
2021, September 13-16, 2021, in Brno, Czech. (HYBRID)
- BMES 2021: Biomedical
Engineering Society, October 6-9, 2021 in Orlando, FL.
- IEEE EMBS 2021, October 31 -
November 4, 2021 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21)
March 1-5, 2021, VIRTUAL.
2020 Conferences (Short list, weird year!)
- IMAG/MSM Consortium Meeting, March 17-18, 2020
in Bethesda, MD. (VIRTUAL)
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2020,
April 29 - May 3, 2020 in Miramonte Resort and Spa, Indian Wells,
California, United States. (CANCELLED)
- ICE 2020: International Congress
on Electrocardiology, June 25-27, 2020 in Belo Horizonte,
- IEEE EMBS 2020, July 20-24,
2020 in Montreal, Canada. (VIRTUAL)
- VPH2020: Virtual Phyiological Human.
Aug 25-28, 2020, in Paris, France. (VIRTUAL)
- European Society of Cardiology 2020, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2020 in
Amsterdaam. (VIRTUAL)
- CinC, Computing in Cardiology
2020, September 13-16, 2020, in Rimini, Italy. (HYBRID)
- BMES 2020: Biomedical
Engineering Society, October 14-17, 2020 in San Diego, CA. (VIRTUAL)
- Brain Stimulation 2021, Feb 28-Mar3, 2021 in Kyoto, Japan.
2019 Conferences
- IMAG/MSM Consortium Meeting, March 6-7, 2019
in Bethesda, MD.
- MCM: Mediterranean
Cardiology Meeting 2019, April 13-15, 2019 in Catania, Italy.
- Neural Engineeing 2019,
March 20-23, 2019, in San Fancisco, CA. Paper submission deadline,
Nov 2, 2018.
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2019,
April 10-14, 2019 in Atlantic Beach, FL. Abstract deadline:
Dec 1, 2018.
- ICE 2019: International Congress
on Electrocardiology, May 30-June 1, 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia.
- FIMH: Function Imaging and
Modeling of the Heart, June 6-8, 2019 in Bordeaux, France.
- 6th International
Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering,
June 10-12, 2019 in Sendai City, Japan.
- iHEART - Modelling the
Cardiac Function, July 22-24, 2019 in Varese, Italy.
- Engineering in Medicine and
Biology (EMBC) 2019, July 23-27, 2019 in Berlin.
- CinC, Computing in Cardiology
2019, September 8-11, 2018, in Singapore.
- BMES 2019: Biomedical
Engineering Society, October 16-19, 2019 in Philadelphia, PA.
- Society
for Neuroscience, October 19-23, 2019 in Chicago, IL.
- IEEE VIS 2019,
October 20-25, 2019 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- IEEE Supercommputing,
November 17-22, 2019 in Denver, CO.
Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium (U-CARS) 2020, Feb 16/17, 2020
in Salt Lake City, UT.
Cardiac Physiome Society, December 4-6, 2019 in Maastricht, The
- Innovations in Cardiovascular
Interventions (ICI) Meeting, December 8-10, 2019, in Tel Aviv,
2018 Conferences
- Western AF, Feb 23-24, 2018,
in Park City, Utah.
- EHRA 2018: European Heart Rhythm Association. March 18-20, 2018.
in Barcelona.
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 4-8, 2018
in Washington, DC.
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2018,
April 25-29, 2018 in Deer Valley, Utah. Abstract deadline:
Dec 1, 2016.
- HRS 2018, Heart Rhythm
Society, May 9-12, 2018 in Boston.
- ICBEM: 11th
International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, May 23-25, 2018
in Aachen, Germany.
- Heart and Brain Symposium, June
28-30, 2018 in Chicago.
- ICE: International Congress on
Electrocardiology June 28-30, 2018, in Chiba City, Japan.
- World Congress on Biomechanics,
July 8-12, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland.
- Computational Neuroscience
July 13-18, 2018 in Seattle, WA.
- IEEE EMBC 2018, July 17-21, 2018
in Honolulu, HI.
- ESC, European Society of Cardiology Congress, August 25-29,
2018, in Munich, Germany.
- Virtual Phyiological Human
2018 Sept 5-7, 2018, in Zaragosa, Spain.
The Heart by Numbers: Integrating Theory, Computation and Experiment
to Advance Cardiology, Sept 4-7, 2018 in Berlin, Germany.
- CinC, Computing in Cardiology
2018, September 23-26, 2018, in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- BMES 2018: Biomedical
Engineering Society, October 17-20, 2018 in Atlanta, GA.
- IEEE Vis 2018,
October 21-26 , 2018, in Berlin, Germany.
- IEEE Supercomputing
2018 (SC18), November 11-16, 2018, in Dallas, Texas.
2017 Conferences
UCARS 2017. Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium, Jan 12-13, 2017 in
Salt Lake City, UT.
- SCMR 20th Annual Scientific
Sessions, Feb 2-4, 2017 in Washington, DC.
- WAF 2017. Western AFib Conferences,
Feb 24-25, 2017 in Park City, UT.
- SIAM Conference on
Computational Science (SIAM CSE'17), Feb 27-March 3, 2017,
in Atlanta, GA.
- Science and
Literature Symposium, April 12-14, 2017 at the University of
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2017,
April 19-23, 2017 in St. Simon's Island, GA. Abstract deadline:
Dec 1, 2016.
- Conference on
Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Apr 10-12,
2017 in Pittsburgh, PA. Abstract (2-4 pages) submissiond
deadline Dec 15, 2016.
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April 18-21, 2017
in Melbourne, Australia. Paper submission, Nov 7, 2016.
- HRS 2017, Heart Rhythm
Society, May 10-13, 2017 in Chicago.
- Mediterranen Cardiology Meeting, May 28-30,
2017 in Catania, Italy. Click here for first
- FIMH: Function Imaging and
Modeling of the Heart, June 11-13, 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
Paper submission, Jan 8, 2017.
EHRA Europace-Cardiostim 2017, June 18-21 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
ICE 2017: 44th International Congress on Electrocardiology, June 24-27,
2017, in Portland, OR.
Human Brain Mapping, Jun 25-29, 2017 in Vancouver, Canada.
- EMBC, July 11-15, 2017, in Jeju Island, Korea.
Computational Neuroscience 2017, July 15-20, 2017 in Antwerp,
Society for Mathematical Biology, July 17-20, 2017 in Salt Lake
City, Utah. March 30 deadline for abstract submission.
- ESC: European Society of Cardiology congress, Aug 26-30, 2017, in
Barcelona, Spain
- BACI: International
Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging, Aug 29-Sept 2,
2017. in Berne, Switzterland.
CinC: Computing in Cardiology 2017, Sept 24-27 in Rennes, France.
- BaCI 2017: International
Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging, Aug 29-Sept 2,
2017 in Bern, Switzerland.
- IEEE Vis 2017, Oct 1-6, 2017 in
Phoenix, AZ.
- Atrial Signals 2017,
October 5-7, 2018 in Valencia, Spain.
BMES 2017, Oct 11-14, 2017 in Phoenix, AZ.
Abstract deadline: April 26, 2016.
Clinical tDCS workshop Oct 27-28, in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
- Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Cardiac Electrophysiology
Cardiac Physiome Society, Nov 6-9, 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
- Supercomputing 2017,
Nov 12-17, 2017 in Denver, CO.
The Science of Science Communication III: Inspiring Novel
Collaborations and Building Capacity Nov 16-17, 2017 in
Washington, DC.
4th International Symposium "Low Vision and the Brain", 24-26
November 2017 in Berlin.
2016 Conferences
- International Conference
on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), March 15-16, 2016 in
Duesseldorf, Germany.
- ISBI 2016, April
13-16, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. Paper submission: Oct 25,
International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE) 2016,
April 13-17, 2016 in Tucson, AZ. Abstract deadline: Dec 1, 2015.
International Congress on Electrocardiology (ICE) June 4-6, 2016 in
Palma, Balearic Island, Spain. Abstract deadline: March 21, 2016.
EMBC 2016, Aug 17-20, 2016 in Orlando, FL. (at Disney's
Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World). Abstract deadline: Feb 22,
- Cardiac Physiome 2016, Aug
23-26, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea.
- Conference on Non-invasive Brain
Stimulation, Sept 7-10, 2016 in Goettingen, Germany. Abstracts
due April 3, 2016.
- Computing in Cardiology 2016, Sept
11-16, 2016 in Vancouver, Canada. Abstract deadline: April 15,
- Virtual Phyiological Human
2016, Sept 26-28, 2016 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract
(paper) submission deadline: May 15, 2016. See Call for papers
for more details.
- Frontiers in Computational
Electrocardiology (FiCE), Sept 29-30 in Maastricht, The
BMES 2016, Oct 5-8, 2016 in Minneapolis, MN.
Abstract deadline: April 26, 2016.
- VIS2016, IEEE Visualization 2016, OCt
23-28, 2016. in Baltimore, Maryland.
- Supercomputing 2016, Nov
13-18, 2016 in Salt Lake City, UT.
2015 Conferences
NYC Neuromodulation Conference 2015, Jan 9-11, 2015 in City
College New York. Abstract deadline: Dec 1, 2014.
- Utah Bioengineering Conference
(UBEC) 2015, Jan 30-31, 2015 in Salt Lake City.
- Western Atrial Fibrillation, Feb
27, 28, 2015 in Park City, Utah.
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, March
14-18, 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT.
ECG Imaging 2015, March 25-28, 2015 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Cardiac Physiome Workshop, April 8-10, 2015 in Auckland, New
Zealand. Last day to register: January 1, 2015
Abstract submission deadline: February 1, 2015.
- ISCE 2015, April
15-19, 2015 in San Jose, CA. Abstract
deadline, Dec 1, 2014.
- ISBI 2015, April
16-19, 2015 in Brooklyn, NY. 4-Page Paper Submission Nov. 10th,
2014, 1-Page Paper Submission Dec. 20th , 2014.
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) 2015, May 13-16, 2015 in Boston,
- Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and
Biotransport Conference, June 17-20, 2015 in Snowbird,
UT. January 16, 2015 abstract submission.
ICE 2015, June 24-27, 2015 in Bahai, Brazil.
- FIMH: Function Imaging and
Modeling of the Heart, June 25-27, 2015 in Maastricht, The
- EMBS 2015, August 25-29,
2015 in Milano, Italy.
- BACI: International
on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging BaCI, Sept 1-5, 2015.
in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Hosted by the International Society for Functional Source Imaging
ISFSI and the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic
- Computing in Cardiology, Sept
6-9, 2015 in Nice, France.
- MICCAI 2015, Oct. 5-9, 2015
in Munich, Germamy. Deadline for papers, March 6, 2015.
- BMES 2015, Oct 7-10,
2015 in Tampa, Florida.
Computational Modeling in Biology Network, Oct 12-16, 2015 in
Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Atrial Signals
2015, Oct 22-24, 2015 in Karsruhe, Germany.
- IEEE VIS 2015, Oct 25-30, 2015
in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2014 Conferences
SCMR: Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Jan 16-19,
2014 in New Orleans.
U-CARS 2014, Utah Cardiac Recovery Symposium, Jan 17-18, 2014.
Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting, Feb 17-19, 2014 in
San Francisco. Abstracts deadline Oct. 1, 2013.
WAF: Western Afib Symposium, Feb 28-March 1, 2014
in Park City, UT.
International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering
Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC), March 3-6, 2014 in Eseo,
France. Positon papers due Nov 7, 2013.
Whistler Scientific Workshop on Brain Functional
Organization, Connectivity and Behavior, March 9-12, 2014 in
Whistler, BC. Invited speakers.
Integrating Modalities and Scales in Life Science Imaging, March
17-21, 2014, a workshop from the Mathematical Bioscience
- 8th International CellML Workshop, April 14-15, 2014 on
Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand.
- ISCE 2014, April
26-30, 2014 in Atlantic Beach, (Amilia Island) FL. Abstract
deadline, Dec 1, 2013.
ISBI 2014, April 28-May 2, 2014 in Beijing, China.
Abstracts due October 1, 2013.
World Congress on Cardiology. May 4-7, 2014 in Melbourne,
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) 2014, May 7-10, 2014 in San Francisco,
CA. Abstracts due Dec 7, 2013.
ISMRM: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
May 10-16, 2014 in Milan, IT. Abstracts dues Nov 13, 2013.
ICIPE-2014: International Conference on Inverse Problems in
Engineering, May 12-15, 2014 in Krakow, Poland. Abstract
submission deadline: October 20, 2013.
Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, May 26-31, 2014
in Fethiye, Turkey. Abstract Submissions: March 31, 2014.
- ICE: International
Congess of Electrocardioglogy. June 4-7, 2014 in Bratislava,
Slovakia. Abstract deadline Feb. 22, 2014. Early registration
deadline April 30, 2014. This is the official conference of the International Society of
Human Brain Mapping 2014, June 8-12, 2014 in Hamburg,
- EuroVis 2014, June 9-13,
2014 in Swansea, Wales. Full paper abstracts due November 29,
- 1st Symposium on
Statistical Shape Models and Applications, June 11-14 2014 in
Dalemont Switzerland.
- Cardiostim 2014, June 18-21,
2014 in Nice, France.
- ICML 2014: 31st International
Conference on Machine Learning, June 21-26, 2013.
In Bejing, China. Paper submissions, Oct 4, 2013.
Winters Lecture Series Workshop on Large Scale Modeling of Cardiac
Electrophysiology, June 26-27, 2014 in Halifax, Nova Scotia,
- World Congress of Biomechanics 2014
July 6-11, 2014 in Boston. Abstract deadline Jan 15, 2014.
- SIAM Life
Sciences. Aug 4-7, 2014 in Charlotte, NC. Abstract submissions
deadline is Feb 2, 2014 and student travel award deadline Jan 20, 2104.
- BioMag 2014
Confernece on Biomagnetism August 24-28, 2014 in
Halifax, Canada. Abstract submission deadline: Feb 28, 2014.
- IPTA: Inverse Problems
- from Theory to Application 2014, Aug 26-28, 2014 in Bristol,
UK. Abstract submission deadline: 30th June 2014.
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Conference (EMBC) 2014, Aug 27-31 in Chicago, IL
Abstracts due ??.
ESC 2014: European Society of Cardiology, Aug 30-Sept 3, 2014 in
Barcelona, Spain. Abstracts due by Feb 14, 2014.
CinC: Computing in Cardiology 2014, September 7-10, 2014 in
Cambridge, MA. Paper submissions: April 15, 2014.
VPH 2014 Virtual Physiological Human, Sept 9-12,
2014 in Trondheim, Norway. Abstracts due March 30, 2014.
- MICCAI 2014, Sept 14-18 in
Boston, MA. Paper submission deadline: Feb 28, 2014.
- CBMME: 12th International
Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical
Engineering, Oct 13-15, 2014 in Amsterdaam, The Netherlands.
Deadline for Abstracts, March 1, 2014.
- International Symposium on
Biomedical Simulation (ISBMS), Oct 16-17, 2014 in Strasbourg,
France. Submission of full (8 page) papers, June 13, 2014.
- BMES 2013, Oct 22-25,
2014 in San Antonio. Deadline for abstract
submission : Apr. 23, 2014.
- IEEE Visualization
2014, Nov 9-14, 2014 in Paris, France.
2013 Conferences
SCMR: Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Jan 31-Feb 3,
2013 in San Francisco.
SPIE Photonics West, Feb 2-7, 2013 in San Fancisco.
Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting, Feb 2-6, 2013 in
- SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb
9-14, 2013 in Lake Buena Vista (Orlando Area), Florida. (Yahoo!)
The 10th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical
Engineering, Feb 13-15, 2013 in Innsbruck, Austria.
Gordon Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, Feb 17-22,
2013. Limited attendance.
WAF: Western Afib Symposium, March 1-2, 2013 in Park City, UT.
- 16th Prague Workshop on Catheter
Ablation, March 3-5, 2013.
Focus on Microscopy, March 24-27 in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Abstracts due Jan 9, 2013.
Center for Global Surgery 2013 Extreme Affordability Conference
March 28/29, 2013 in Salt Lake City, UT.
Abstract deadline Feb 28, 2013.
CBMME: 11th International Symposium on Computer Methods in
Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, April 3-7, 2013
in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Deadline for Abstracts, December
14th, 2012.
ISBI 2013, April 7-11, 2013 in San Francisco.
Abstracts due November 1, 2012.
ISMRM: International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Apr 20-26, 2013 in Salt Lake City, UT. Submission deadlines all
ISCE 2013, April 17-23, 2013 in San Jose, CA. Abstract deadline
Dec 1, 2012.
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) 2013, May 8-11, 2013 in Denver,
CO. Abstracts due Dec 7, 2012.
- Fully Three-Dimensional Image
Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, June 16-18,
2013. in Lake Tahoe. Paper submission January 28, 2013.
Human Brain Mapping, June 16-20, 2013 in Seattle, WA. Abstracts
due January 10, 2013.
- FIMH: Function Imaging and
Modeling of the Heart, June 20-22, 2013 in London. Submission of
full papers by Jan 15, 2013.
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23-26, 2013 in Atlanta,
GA. Deadline for abstract submission, Sept. 21, 2012.
- ASME 2013
Summer Bioengineering Conference June 26-29, in Sunriver,
Oregon. Abstract deadline January 11, 2013. Includes all topics in
BME and Biomechanics.
- ICIAR 2013, 10th
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, June
26-28, 2013 in Povoa de Varzim, Portugal.
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Conference (EMBC) 2013, July 3-7 in Osaka, Japan!
Abstracts due Jan 18, 2013.
International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless
Techniques, July 16-18, 2013 in Paris (Ecole Polytechnique).
Abstract deadline is Dec 15, 2012.
- ICE:
International Congess of Electrocardioglogy. August 7-10, 2013 in
Glasgow, Scotland. Abstract deadline Spring, 2013 (TBA).
ESC: European Society of Cardiology Congress 2013, Aug 31-Sept 4,
2013 Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract submission Feb 14
- BaCI 2013, Sept 5-8, 2013 in
Geneva, Switzerland. International Conference on Basic and Clinical
multimodal Imaging (BaCI). Merging of old NFSI and several other
societies performing source imaging.
- BMES 2013, Sept 25-28,
2013 in Seattle.
- ICCB2013, 5th International Conference
on Computational Bioengineering, Sept 11-13, 2013 in Leuven,
Belgium. Abstract submission, Jan 31, 2013.
- Computing in Cardiology 2013,
Sept 22-25, 2013 in Zaragosa, Spain. May 1, 2013 abstract
- MICCAI: Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Sept 22-26, 2013
in Nagoya, Japan. Submission deadline March 1 (no extension).
2012 Conferences
- SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb
4-9, 2012 in San Diego.
Western Afib Symposium Feb 23-25, 2012 in Park City, UT.
- IEEE-EMBS Grand Challenges
Forum on Biomedical Imaging March 1/2 in Bethesda MD.
AAA Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology (EB) April 21-25,
2012. Abstract Deadline: November 8, 2011.
SCMR 15th February 2-5, 2012 in Orlando, FL.
Abstracts due October 2, 2011.
- Biophysicial Society 2012. February 25-29 in San Diego.
Abstract deadline October 2, 2011.
- VIZBI 2012. March 6-8, 2012
in Heidelberg, Germany.
ISCE: International Society for
Computerized Electrocardiology 2012. April 20-24, 2012
in Hoover, Alabama, USA.
- ISBI: International
Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. May 2-5, 2012 in
Barcelona, Spain. Deadline for 4-page paper, November 13, 2011.
- ISMRM: International
Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. May 5-11, 2012
in Melbourne, Australia.
- HRS: Heart Rhythm
Society. May 9-12, 2012 in Boston, MA.
- EuroVis 2012, June 5-8, 2012
in Vienna, Austria. Abstract deadline Dec 2, 2011! Short Papers
Submission Deadline: March 2, 2012
ACM International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
(HPDC) 2012, June 18-22, 2012. , which includes a
Emerging Computational Methods for the Life Science Workshop.
Deadline for manuscript submission: February 15, 2012.
- ICE:
International Congess of Electrocardioglogy. August 9-12, 2012 in
Beijing, China. Abstract deadline May 7, 2012.
- ESC: European Society of Cardiology. Aug 25-29, 2012
in Munich, Germany. Abstract deadline February 14, 2011.
- EMBC: IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Conference. Aug 28-Sept 1, 2012 in San Diego, CA.
Proposals for sessions: Jan 15, 2012. Paper submission March 15, 2012.
- CinC: Computing in Cardiology.
Sept 9-12, 2012 in Krakow, Poland.
- Virtual Physiological Human
2012 , Sept 18-20, 2012 in London, UK. Abstract deadline March
18, 2012.
- 2012 IEEE International
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing September 23-26,
2012. in Santander, Spain.
- MICCAI: Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Oct 1-5, 2012
in Nice, France. Submission deadline March 9.
- IEEE Life Sciences Grand
Challenges Conference. Oct 4/5, 2012 in Washington, DC.
- International Meshing
Roundtable, Oct 7-10 in San Jose, CA.
- BMES 2012, Oct24-27,
2012 in Atlanta.
- VisWeek 2012 Oct 14-19 in
Seattle, WA. Abstract deadline March 21, 2011. Tutorial
Proposals Due, Thursday June 10.
Cardiac Physiome 2012, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2012 in San Diego.
EMBS Healthcare Innovation Conference, Nov 7-9, 2012, in Houston,
TX. Abstract and paper deadline, Aug 20, 2012.
Supercomputing 2012, Nov 10-16, 2012 in Salt Lake City.
- International Conference on
Pattern Recognition, Nov 11-15, 2012 in Tsukuba Science City,
- RSNA 2012 Nov 25-30, 2012
in Chicago. Abstracts due March 31, 2012. Registration opens May 4,
- IEEE Signal
Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB12), Dec 1,
2011 Conferences
- SCRM: Society for Cardiac
Magnetic Resonance Feb 3-6, 2011 in Nice, France.
Western Afib Symposium Deb 25-25, 2011 in Park City, UT.
- Middle East Cardiopace March
9-12, 2011 in Dbayeh, Lebanon.
- VizBi: Workshop on Visualizing
Biological Data, March 16-19, 2011 in Cambridge, MA.
- ISBI: International
Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. March 30 - April 2, 2011 in
Chicago, IL. Deadline for 4-page paper, October 28, 2010.
ACC: American College of Cardiology. April 3-5, 2011 in New
- ISCE: International Society for
Computerized Electrocardiology. April 13-17 in San Jose, CA.
- HRS: Heart Rhythm
Society. May 4-7, 2010 in San Francisco, CA.
- ISMRM: International
Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. May 7-13, 2011
in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- NFSI: International Society for
Bioelectromagnetism and the International Society for Noninvasive
Functional Source Imaging. May 13-16, 2011 , Banff,
Alberta, Canada. Submission deadline March 13.
- AIP: Applied Inverse Problems.
May 23-27, 2011 in College Station, TX.
Submission deadline, January 31, 2011.
- FIMH. Functional Imaging and
Modeling of the Heart. May 25-27, 2011 in NYU, New York.
December 2, 2010 paper submission deadline.
- 2011
NHLBI-VCU World Conference on Mathematical and Computational Modeling
of Computational Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Dynamics, May
31-June 3, 2011 in Williamsburg, VA.
- ICE:
International Congess of Electrocardioglogy. June 8-11, 2011 in
Kingston, Ontario. Submission deadline Feb 15.
- 4th Cardiac Physiome Workshop,
July 8-10, 2011 in Oxford, England.
- Crowdsourcing: The Art and Science of Open Innovation, July 18,
2011 at NIH in Bethesda, MD. Registration before July 8.
- Mesh Trends VIII
July 25-29, 2011 Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh
Generation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Deadline for abstracts is
January 31, 2011.
- ESC:
European Society of Cardiology Aug 27-31, 2011 in Paris, France.
Abstract deadline February 14, 2011.
- EMBC: IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Conference. Sept 1-4, 2011 in Boston, MA.
Invited papers deadline Feb 26, 2011, Regular paper deadline March
26, 2011.
- MICCAI: Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Sept 18-22, 2011
in Toronto. Submission deadline March 9.
- CinC: Computing in Cardiology.
Sept 18-21, 2011 in Hangzhou, China. Abstract deadline, May 1,
- VisWeek 2011. Oct 23-28 in
Providence, RI. Abstract deadline March 21, 2011. Tutorial
Proposals Due, Thursday April 28th. Panel Proposals Due, Monday June
- AHA: American Heart
Association, Nov 12-16, 2011 in Orlando, FL.
- RSNA 2011 Nov 27-Dec 2, 2011
in Chicago. Abstracts due March 31, 2011. Registration opens May 4,
2010 Conferences
- Western Atrial
Fibrillation Symposium February 26-26, 2010 in Park City, Utah.
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to
Macro April 14-17, 2010 in Rotterdan, The Netherlands. Deadline
for papers November 2, 2009.
13th Prague Workshop on Catheter Ablation April 21-23, 2010.
- Update on Atrial
Fibrillation 2010, Coburg, Germany, April 23/24, 2010.
- 35th Annual ISCE
Conference April 21-25, 2010 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Abstract deadline Dec. 1, 2009.
- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,
ISMRM May 1-7, 2010 in Stockholm, Sweden. Abtrsacts due Nov. 10,
- Heart Rhythm Society
(HRS) 2010. May 12-15, 2010 in Denver, CO. Abstracts due December
11, 2009.
- International Conference on
Computational Science 2010 (ICCS) May 31-June 2, 2010 in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Paper submission, January 1, 2010.
37th International Congress on Electrocardiology, June 3-5,
2010 in Lund Sweden. Abstract deadline: February 1, 2009.
- EuroVis 2010, June 9-11, 2010 in
Bordeaux, France. Abstracts deadline: November 27, 2009.
NIH, NCRR Third Biennial National IDeA Symposium
of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE) June 16-18, 2010
in Bethesda, MD.
International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted
Interventions (ICPAI) June 23-24, 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Full papers due Dec 10.
- 2nd Eurographics Workshop on
Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM) July 1-2,
2010 - Universitaet Leipzig, Germany. Abstracts due April 19, 2010.
- IEEE EMBS Meeting August
31-Sept. 4, 2010 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- MICCA 2010 , Sept 20-24,
2010 in Beijing, China.
- 8th
Interventional MRI Symposium Sept 24/25, 2010 in Leipzig,
Germany. June 1, 2010 deadline for abstract submission.
- Computing in Cardiology
September 26-29, 2010 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. May 1, 2009,
abstract submission deadline.
- Virtual Physiological Human
2010 , Sept 30/Oct 1, 2010 in Brussels, Belgium. May 17 (extended)
abstract deadline.
- BMES 2010 Oct. 6--9, 2010 in Austin, TX. May 5,
submission deadline. Abstract submission through
this web site.
International Meshing Roundtable to be held in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, October 3-6, 2010. June 11, full
paper submissions due.
- IEEE VisWeek 2010
Oct 24-29, 2010. Includes
- BioVis with Paper
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2011 Abstract Submission
Deadline: July 8, 2011
AHA Conference. November 14-16, 2010. in Chicago.
2009 Conferences
Gordon Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms
Feb. 15-20, 2009 in Il Ciocco, Italy. Deadline to register:
Immediately! First 160 applicants accepted.
- Center for Quantitative
Biology Workshop April 4, 2009 in Salt Lake City.
12th Prague Workshop on Catheter Ablation April 5-7
- ISCE General
Confernece April 23-27, 2009 in Panama City Beach, Florida.
Abstract deadline Dec. 1, 2008.
- Heart Rhythm
Society May 13-16, 2009, in Boston.
- NFSI and ICBEM 2009 May 27-29 in Rome, Italy.
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH) 2009,
June 3-5, 2009 in
Nice, France. Abstract deadline November 28, 2008.
- 2009 6th IEEE
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to
Macro June 28-July 1, 2009 in Boston. Deadline for paper
submission: Jan 19, 2009.
- Applied
Inverse Problems 2009 July 20-24, 2009 in Vienna, Austria.
- IEEE EMBS Meeting September
2-6, 2009 in Minneapolis, USA. April 7, 2009, abstract submission
- World Congress on Medical Physics
and Biomedical Engineering September 7-12, 2009 in Munich. Paper
submission deadline, Feb 22, 2009.
- Computers in Cardiology
September 13-16, 2009 in Park City, Utah. May 1, 2009, abstract
submission deadline.
- IEEE VisWeek 2009,
Oct 11 - 16, 2009 in Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Paper Abstracts due March 21, 2009.
Meshing Round Table, Oct 25-28, 2009 in Salt Lake City. Papers due
June 5, 2009.
- Bidomain Workship, Oct 28-31, 2009 in
Maria Trost, Austria just
outside of Graz. Sponsored by
Scientific Computing Group at the University of Graz
American Heart Association 2009, November 14-18, 2009 in Orlando, FL.
- RSNA 2009 Nov 29-Dec 4, 2009
in Chicago. All deadlines long since passed!
2008 Conferences
- IEEE Visualization
2008 in Columbus Ohio.
- BMES 2008 Oct. 2-4,
2008 in St. Louis. May 1, submission deadline.
- SPIE Medical
Imaging Feb 16-21, 2008 in San Diego. Abstract due date: August
6, 2007.
IASTED Biomedical Engineering (BioMED 2008) Feb 13-15, 2008 in
Innsbruck, Austria. Paper submission deadline, Sept. 15, 2007.
ISCE 2008, April 21-26, 2007
Riverside, CA, Abstract deadline: December 1, 2006.
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2008
From Nano to Macro, May 14-17, 2008 in Paris. Paper submission
deadline Dec 7, 2007.
Heart Rhythm 2008 May 14-17, 2008 in San Francisco. Abstract
Submission Jan 3, 2008.
Confernece on Imaging Science , July 7-9, 2008 in San Diego, CA.
Submission deadline Jan 21, 2008. Minisymposium proposal deadline:
Jan 7, 2008.
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society (EMBS) August 20-24, 2008 in Vancouver,
Canada. Four-page paper submission, April 7, 2008.
- MICCA 2008 , Sept 4-8,
2008 in New York City.
Computers in Cardiology, Sept. 14-17, 2008 in Bologna, Italy.
Deadline for paper submission: May 1, 2008
35th International Congress on Electrocardiology, Sept. 18-21,
2008 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Abstract deadline: February 15, 2007.
- Western Atrial
Fibrillation Symposium December 12-13, 2008 in The Canyons, Utah.
- Pacific Symposium on
Biocomputing January 5-9, 2009 at the Fairmont Orchid on the Big
Island of Hawaii. Submission deadline, July 14, 2008.
2007 Conferences
ISCE 2007, April 21-26, 2007
Cancun, Mexico, Abstract deadline: December 1, 2006.
- Fourth International
Conference on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart , June
7-9, 2007 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Paper submission deadline:
January 15, 2007.
34th International Congress on Electrocardiology, June 27-30,
2007 in Istanbul, Turkey. Abstract deadline: February 15, 2007.
- National Biomedical
Computation Resource (NBCR) Summer Institute July 30-August 3, 2007.
in San Diego, CA.
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society (EMBS) August 23-26, 2007 in Lyon,
France. Four-page paper submission, April 2, 2007.
Moutain West Biomedical Engineering Conference, Sept 21/22, 2007
in The Canyons, UT.
- BMES, September
26-29, 2007 Los Angeles, CA.
Computers in Cardiology, Sept. 30 - Oct. 3 in Durham, NC.
- Noninvasive Functional Source
Imaging (NFSI) October 12-14, 2007 in Hangzhou, China.
Stay tuned for details.
- IEEE Visualization
2007 Oct. 28-Nov 1, 2007 in Sacramento.
- MICCA 2007 , Oct. 29-Nov 2,
2007 in Brisbane, Australia.
- Supercomputing 2007,
Nov. 10-16, 2007 in Reno, NV.
- Western Atrial
Fibrillation Symposium December 13-14 in The Canyons, Utah.
2006 Conferences
- IEEE International
Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) , April 6-9, 2006 in
Arlington, VA.
- ISCE 2005, April 22-27, 2006
Niagra-on-the-Lake, Abstract deadline: December 1, 2005.
- 2nd Virtual Visualization of the Reconstructed
Electrocardiographic Display (VVRED) Workshop. June 25-27,
Halle, Belgium.
33rd International Congress on Electrocardiology, June 28-July 1,
2006 in Koln, Germany. Abstract deadline: February 28, 2006.
- 3rd Annual Summer
School on Emerging Technologies, July 2-7, 2006 in Patras, Greece.
- Biomed 2006
Confernece on Biomegnetism August 20-26, 2006 in
Vancouver. Abstract submission deadline: March 30, 2006.
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society (EMBS) August 31-September 2, 2006 in New York
City. Four page paper submission, April 3, 2006.
- Biomedical
Engineering Society (BMES), October 11-14, 2006
Chicago. Abstract deadline May 15, 2006.
2005 Conferences
- Heart Modeling:
Image Acquisition. Segmentation, Modeling and Analysis February 6 -
10, 2006 A workshop with registration deadline Dec. 26, 2005.
- American Institute for Medical
and Biological Engineering, (AIMBE), Feb 28 - March 2, 2006.
The Fourth IASTED International Conference on BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
BioMED 2006 February 15-17, 2006 in Innsbruck, Austria. Paper
submission deadline: October 8, 2005.
September 1-4, 2005, Shanghai, China. Deadline April 8, 2005.
- IEEE Visualization 2005,
Oct. 23-28, 2005. Minneapolis.
- Fully
three-dimensional reconstruction meeting on radiology and muclear
medicine July 7-10, 2005 in Salt Lake City. Deadline for 4-page
papers: January 10, 2005.
- BMES, September
28; October 1, 2005 Baltimore. Deadline May 2, 2005.
- The IASTED International Conference on BioMedicine - BioMed 2005
February 16-18, 2005, Innsbruck, Austria. Deadline for papers:
September 15, 2004.
- ISCE 2005, April 12-17, 2005
Hawaii, Abstract deadline: December 1, 2004.
- Noninvasive Functional Source
Imaging (NFSI) May 12-15, 2005 in Minneapolis, MN. A joint
conference with the International
Society of Bioelectromagnetism (ISBEM)
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 February, 2005 - 11:59pm
Early Registration Deadline: 1 March, 2005 - 11:59pm
- ICCS 2005, International
Conference on Computational Science May 22-25, 2005 Atlanta,
U.S.A. Deadline for papers: December 1, 2004.
- International Society
of Electrocardiology, June 1-4, Gdansk, Poland.
- Functional Imaging and
Modeling of the Heart, June 2-4, 2005, Barcelona. Deadline
for papers: November 1, 2004.
ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 22-26, 2005 in Vail,
CO. Abstract deadline: January 10, 2005.
2004 Conferences
- IEEE Visualization
2004 October 10-15, 2004 in Austin Texas. First
papers/applications/tutorials/symposia deadline: March 31, 2004
- IEEE EMBS Conference
September 1-4, 2004 in San Francisco. Paper submission April 9,
- SIAM Conference on
Life Sciences July 11-14, 2004. Portland Oregon. Held jointly
with the 2004 SIAM
Annual Meeting July 12-16, 2004.
- ICE: International
Congress on Electrocardiology June 27--July 1, 2004. In Kyoto,
- Conference on Electromagnetic
Field Computation (CEFC) 2004 June 6-9, 2004, Seoul, Korea.
- IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) May 17-21,
2004, Montreal, PQ.
- SIAM Imaging
Science In Salt Lake City, Mon-Wed, May 3-5, 2004.
- ISCE: International Society for
Computerised Elecrocardiology April 27--May 2, 2004. In
Hutchinson Island, Florida. Abstract deadline: December 1, 2003.
- IEEE International
Symposium on Biomedical Imaging from Nano to Macro (ISBI)
April 15-18,
2004 Arlington, VA. Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2003.
- Optical
Society of America Wed to Sat April 14-17, 2004, Miami.
- First
International Symposium on Long QT Syndrome on the Internet,
April 1, 2004. Preregistration deadline August 31st, 2003.
- The 16th Software Engineering
Process Group Conference (SEPG 2004) March 8-11, 2004
Orlando World Center Marriott
Orlando, Florida. June 30, 2003 - Submission of abstracts,
December 8, 2003 - Submission of final presentation materials.
2003 Conferences
- ISBET 2003 Santa Fe,
NM, from Nov. 19-23, 2003. Deadline for travel support: June 1,
2003. Registration deadline is July 10, 2003
- Supercomputing
2003 in Phoenix. NCRR center will have a booth there.
- Digital Biology:
The Emerging Paradigm a BISTI conference. November 6--7, 2003.
There are two associated meetings "Information
Science Standards to Enable Biomedical Research November 4--5,
Information Processing in the Biological Organism (A
Systems Biology Approach) , also November 4-5.
- IEEE Visualization
2003 October 19-24, 2003. Seattle, WA. Dave and Gordon will do
a workshop on
Diffusion Tensor MRI Visualization September 19: end of early
- Utah Symposium in
Science and Literature October 9--11, 2003.
- Biomedical
Engineering Society (BMES) annual conference. October 1--4,
2003, Nashville TN. May 1: abstract deadline.
IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) September 17--21, 2003,
Cancun, Mexico. May 16: 4-page paper submission.
- IEEE International Conference in
Image Processing (ICIP) September 14-17, 2003 Bercelona, Spain.
Registration deadline June 25, 2003.
- NFSI IV: September 10-13,
2003, Chieti, Italy. Abstract submission deadline,
May 31, 2003.
- World Congress on Medical Physics
and Biomedical Engineering August 24--29, 2003, Sydney,
Australia. March 10: deadline for abstracts.
- Inverse Problems
Theme Year in Finnland Numerous workshops and conferences.
- Second
M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid
Mechanics including a session on "Modeling and Simulation of
the Electro-Mechanical Behavior of the Heart". June 17-20, 2003.
- ICE2003, XXX International
Conference on Electrocardiology Helsinki, June 11-14, 2003,
Lapland June 15-17, 2003 from the International Society of
Conference in Melborne Australia, June 2--4, 2003. Special
session on Tools for Program Development and Analysis in
Computational Science.
Applied Inverse Problems at the Institute for Pure & Applied
Mathematics at UCLA. May 18-23, 2003.
- ISCE Conference 2003 in Snowbird,
Utah. April 26-May 1, 2003. Abstract submission deadline for invited
speakers, March 10 1, 2003.
Abstract submission form in Word format.
Computational Science and Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer
Science organized by SIAM. March 23--25, 2003. The purpose of
the workshop is to engage the computational science and engineering,
mathematics, statistics, and computer science communities in a
discussion of the research directions and resources needed to advance
the solution of important problems through collaborations among
researchers in these fields.
- National Conference on
Undergraduate Research March 13--15, 2003, Salt Lake City.
2002 Conferences
- Einthoven 2002 June 9-11,
2002. Leiden, The Netherlands.
- 2002 ICE and
Bioelectromagnetism Montreal, Canada, July 2-5. Paper
submission deadline, February 15, 2002.
- Mathematical Modelling &
Computing in Biology and Medicine Milano, Italy. July 2 - 6,
- Biomag 2002, August
10--14, 2002 in Jena, Germany.
IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference August 14-16, 2002
Palo Alto, CA.
- The
First Mummy Range Workshop on Electrical Impedence Imaging .
Pingree Park, Colorado, August, 2002.
- Second Joint Meeting of the
IEEE EMBS and BMES Societies Oct. 23--26, 2002, Houston.
Including a session on Forward and
Inverse Problems
- IEEE Visualization
2002 in Boston, Oct. 27--Nov. 1, 2002.
2001 Conferences
- 26th Annual ISCE Conference
April 21-26, 2001. International
Society for Computerized Electrocardiology. Abstract deadline:
Dec. 1, 2000
- SIAM Annual
Meeting July 9-13, San Deigo. Link to my
- Whitaker Foundation Conference, August 9--12, 2001, La Jolla, CA.
The Integrated Heart: Cardiac Structure and Function in
Queenstown, New Zealand. Abstract Deadline, 31 March.
Registration deadline August 12, 2001. Link through
Peter Hunter's web site
- NFSI III: September,
2001, Innsbruck, Austria. Paper submission deadline,
July 1, 2001.
- 23rd Annual
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, 25-28 October 2001, ISTANBUL, Turkey.
- 27th Annual ISCE Conference
Doorwerth, The Netherlands, April 21-26, 2001. International
Society for Computerized Electrocardiology. Abstract deadline:
Dec. 1, 2001
2000 Conferences
CardioModel 2000 Contains a good summary of the event and a full
set of papers online.
Last update: Sat Oct 1 07:59:51 2011 by Rob Macleod