Adriano Lopes and Ken Brodlie.
Accuracy in 3D Particle Tracing.
In Hans-Christian Hege and Konrad Polthier (Eds.), Mathematical Visualization: Algorithms, Applications and Numerics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 329--341, 1998.



This paper presents a novel way of identifying and illustrating the accuracy in the particle tracing method for flow visualization. We make use of explicit Runge-Kutta methods for particle tracing in steady velocity fields, and describe three approaches to estimate the accuracy of the calculated path. These approaches are: re-integration (with smaller tolerance or in a backward direction), global error estimators and residuals in the velocity field. Visualization paradigms are also presented to convey data accuracy information and these ideas are implemented in an Open Inventor / IRIS Explorer environment.


@InCollection{   lopes:1998:AIPT,
  author = 	 {Adriano Lopes and Ken Brodlie},
  editor =       {Hans-Christian Hege and Konrad Polthier},
  booktitle = 	 {Mathematical Visualization: Algorithms, Applications and Numerics},
  title = 	 {Accuracy in 3D Particle Tracing},
  publisher =    {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = 	 {1998},
  pages = 	 {329--341},



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