David Kao and Jennifer L. Dungan and Alex Pang.
Visualizing 2D probability distributions from EOS satellite image-derived data sets: a case study.
In Proceedings Visualization, pp. 457--561, 2001.



Maps of biophysical and geophysical variables using Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite image data are an important component of Earth science. These maps have a single value derived at every grid cell and standard techniques are used to visualize them. Current tools fall short, however, when it is necessary to describe a distribution of values at each grid cell. Distributions may represent a frequency of occurrence over time, frequency of occurrence from multiple runs of an ensemble forecast or possible values from an uncertainty model. We identify these "distribution data sets" and present a case study to visualize such 2D distributions. Distribution data sets are different from multivariate data sets in the sense that the values are for a single variable instead of multiple variables. Data for this case study consists of multiple realizations of percent forest cover, generated using a geostatistical technique that combines ground measurements and satellite imagery to model uncertainty about forest cover. We present two general approaches for analyzing and visualizing such data sets. The first is a pixel-wise analysis of the probability density functions for the 2D image while the second is an analysis of features identified within the image. Such pixel-wise and feature-wise views will give Earth scientists a more complete understanding of distribution data sets. See www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/avis/nasa is for additional information.


@InProceedings{  kao:2001:VPDS,
  author = 	 {David Kao and Jennifer L. Dungan and Alex Pang},
  title = 	 {Visualizing 2D probability distributions from EOS
                  satellite image-derived data sets: a case study},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings Visualization},
  pages = 	 {457--561},
  year = 	 {2001},



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