Alexandre Coninx and Georges-Pierre Bonneau and Jacques Droulez and Guillaume Thibault.
Visualization of Uncertain Scalar Data Fields using Color Scales and Perceptually Adapted Noise.
In Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, 2011.



We present a new method to visualize uncertain scalar data fields by combining color scale visualization techniques with animated, perceptually adapted Perlin noise. The parameters of the Perlin noise are controlled by the uncertainty information to produce animated patterns showing local data value and quality. In order to precisely control the perception of the noise patterns, we perform a psychophysical evaluation of contrast sensitivity thresholds for a set of Perlin noise stimuli. We validate and extend this evaluation using an existing computational model. This allows us to predict the perception of the uncertainty noise patterns for arbitrary choices of parameters. We demonstrate and discuss the efficiency and the benefits of our method with various settings, color maps and data sets.


@InProceedings{  coninx:2011:VUCS,
  author = 	 {Alexandre Coninx and Georges-Pierre Bonneau and
                  Jacques Droulez and Guillaume Thibault},
  title = 	 {Visualization of Uncertain Scalar Data Fields using
                  Color Scales and Perceptually Adapted Noise},
  booktitle =    {Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization},
  year = 	 {2011},



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