@Article{SCI:Kim2016a, author = "S. Kim and I.Lyu and V. Fonov and C. Vachet and H. Hazlett and R. Smith and J. Piven and S. Dager and R. Mckinstry and J. Pruett and A. Evans and D. Collins and K. Botteron and R. Schultz and G. Gerig and M. Styner", title = "Development of Cortical Shape in the Human Brain from 6 to 24 Months of Age via a Novel Measure of Shape Complexity", journal = "NeuroImage", volume = "135", pages = "163--176", year = "2016", publisher = "Elsevier", month = "July", url = "http://www.sci.utah.edu/publications/Kim2016a/kim-neuroimage-2016.pdf", }