CS 7650: Realistic Image Synthesis

Thiago Ize

Uniform Scattering Participating Media

I implemented the participating media by probabilistically deciding when the next scattering/absorption event will occur, tracing the ray to that point and then casting a new ray according to the BSDF. The way I implemented this lets me have objects inside my participating media as well as other participating media inside of my participating media.

The lucy model is a participating media and the floor has a thin participating media above it as well. The only light source is completely covered by lucy (although it's so bright, you can still see it through lucy). Number of samples is 300,000spp

solid dragon dragon is PM
room is PM
clear room

The dragon with participating media uses a constant σs=.06, σa=.0001. While the solid dragon uses white lambertian shading. The room with participating media uses a constant σs=.001, σa=.000001. Number of samples used is 30,000spp (except in the clear room with solid dragon where I just used 3,000spp).