John W. Tukey.
Data-Based Graphics: Visual Display in the Decades to Come.
In Statistical Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 327--339, 1990.



Visual display based on data deserves careful attention to a long list of ideas and questions (19 are discussed below). While classical views of graphical display need to be re-examined and selectively used, the computer-mainly as display maker, but significantly as number cruncher- has so greatly enhanced our potentialities that we have much to explore and many important steps to take. In particular, we need to pay serious and continuing attention to securing: (a) immediate and strong impact, (b) easy flow of attention across parallel elements, (c) planning to show phenomena, not numbers, (d) attention to both prospecting for what the data might show and transfer (to others) of what we have learned from it, (e) partnership with computation, and (f) putting disproportionate response to work. The next decade or two should see major advances.


@Article{        tukey:1990:VDDC,
  author = 	 {John W. Tukey},
  title = 	 {Data-Based Graphics: Visual Display in the Decades to Come},
  journal = 	 {Statistical Science},
  year = 	 {1990},
  volume = 	 {5},
  number = 	 {3},
  pages = 	 {327--339},
  month = 	 {August},



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