A few words about my teaching activities

Since January 2009, I occasionally teach at the School of Computing of the University of Utah in the computational topology course (graduate program).
From October 2005 to October 2008, I used to be a trainee teacher (in French, "Moniteur de l'Enseignement Supérieur") in the Computer Science Department (UFR IEEA) of the University of Lille (USTL), where I meanly taught computer science basics and computer graphics.
Students will find most of my teaching material on this page.

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University of Utah

Information Visualization for Scientific Visualization

Scientific Visualization, Graduate Program, Fall Semester 2009.

Abstract: This lecture presents through a case study (the topology of level sets) the needs for Information Visualization techniques met by some Scientific Visualization problems.
Introduction to Volume Rendering

Scientific Visualization, Graduate Program, Fall Semester 2009.

Abstract: This lecture presents an introduction to volume rendering, its motivations and its basic implementations.
Delaunay Complexes

Computational Topology, Graduate Program, Spring Semester 2009.

Abstract: This lecture introduces some generalizations and properties of well-known constructions (Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulation) for the generation of valid simplicial complexes from point sets in Euclidean spaces.
Persistent Homology

Computational Topology, Graduate Program, Spring Semester 2009.

Abstract: This lecture introduces Persistent Homology, a general formalization for the measurement of topological features. The concepts of homology groups and Betti numbers are in particular extended to the analysis of filtrations.


Introduction to OpenGL and interactive rendering (in french)

Computer Graphics, Multimedia Software Engineering Program, November 2007.

Abstract: This lecture gives a basic introduction to interactive rendering programming through OpenGL. It describes the basics of the OpenGL API (enlightenment models, texture mapping). It concludes with the blending and stencil buffer facilities with an application to basic shadow and reflection rendering.
Introduction to VRML and 3D modeling (in french)

Computer Graphics, Multimedia Software Engineering Program, October 2007.

Abstract: This lecture gives a basic introduction to 3D scene modeling through the VRML description language. It presents positioning fundamentals, enlightenment model and texture mapping. Some advanced features of VRML (like user interactions and animations) are also introduced.
Introduction to video processing (in french)

Image processing, Multimedia Software Engineering Program, September 2005, 2006, 2007.

Abstract: This exercise session introduces students to a simple but practical video processing problem. The goal of the exercise is to develop a software for sound-aware blue screen handling.

Download: Exercise package


University of Utah

Scientific Visualization

During the Fall Semester 2009, I contributed to Pr. Pascucci's scientific visualization course (graduate program). I gave the following (1h30) lectures:
- Introduction to Volume Rendering;
- Information Visualization for Scientific Visualization;
- Tufte's principles.

Computational Topology

During the Spring Semester 2009, I contributed to Pr. Pascucci's computational topology course (graduate program). I gave the following (1h30) lectures:
- Simplicial complexes;
- Betti numbers and Smith normal form;
- Persistent homology;
- Delaunay complexes.

University of Lille

3D Programming Course - Master1 (IUP-GMI):

In early 2006, in collaboration with Géry CASIEZ, I was in charge of the 3D programming course for Master1 students (30 people sub-group): 12 hour-lecture, 12 hour-practical sessions. I also wrote most of the course exam and participated to its correction.
This course mainly dealt with an introduction to the OpenGL API: enlightenment models, texture mapping, blending and stencil buffer facilities.


3D Programming Course - Master2:

In October and November 2007, I was in charge of the 3D programming course (OpenGL API) for Master2 students following the Multimedia software engineering specialization (5 hour-lecture). My slides can be downloaded here: OpenGL course slides (in French).

3D Modeling Course - Master2:

In October 2007, I was in charge of the 3D modeling course (VRML modeling language) for Master2 students following the Multimedia software engineering specialization (3 hour-lecture). My slides can be downloaded here: VRML course slides (in French).

Video Processing in C Language - Master2:

In September 2005, I set up video processing practical sessions for Master2 students, following the Multimedia software engineering specialization. The exercise package can be downloaded here.

System Programming in C Language under Unix - License3:

Since May 2005, I participate to the practical sessions of the system programming course. It consists of an introduction to the Unix family operating systems as well as a focus on the Linux kernel design. This course is validated by a programming project. It aims at making students familiar with Unix kernel interfacing. For example, last year students have to re-implement the ps Unix command.

Advanced Project in C - License2:

In 2005, I supervised a 12 student group for a full time one week project, whose objective was to implement a complete graphical plotting program, given a functional expression (lexical analysis, syntaxical analysis, evaluation and graphical interface using OpenGL).

Advanced Data Structures - License3:

I participate to the exercise and practical sessions of the advanced data structure course. It introduces the theory behind complex data structures: hash tables, binary priority heaps, etc.

Algorithmic Complexity - License1:

I participate to the exercise and practical sessions of the algorithmic complexity course. It presents complexity fundamentals. Theoretical considerations are illustrated by experimental time and space complexity analysis of common sorting algorithms. For students, test data sets can be downloaded here.


In September 2006, I supervised Aubin CANOEN and Mariot CHAUVIN (Master2 students) scientific project. The subject I proposed was an implementation of a format-converting and surface-repairing framework for 3D meshes (transcode-like tool for 3D surfaces).

In September 2005, I supervised Adrien ARFIB and Lucasz HARSZE (Master1 students) research internship. The subject I proposed was an implementation of a general purpose Riemannian metric estimation library for triangulated surfaces, based on GNU/GTS.

Other services

In 2007 and 2008, I was a member of the jury for the student recruiting interviews at TELECOM Lille 1.

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Updated on November 14th, 2009.