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00001 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00002 // 6/18/02      Aaron Lefohn    Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
00003 // School of Computing          University of Utah
00004 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00006 #include "computeSlab.h"
00007 #include <mm.h>
00008 #include <assert.h>
00010 ComputeSlab::ComputeSlab( const VecTexPtr& vecInTex, GlewShadeLang lang, const Vec2i& dimen, GLfloat z )
00011 {
00012         initInputMembers( vecInTex, lang, NULL, NULL, dimen, z );
00013 }
00015 ComputeSlab::ComputeSlab( const VecTexPtr& vecInTex, GlewShadeLang lang, PBuffer* pbuffDest, 
00016                                                   const Vec2i& dimen, GLfloat z )
00017 {
00018         if( pbuffDest==NULL ) {
00019                 err() << "ComputeSlab(...) Error:\n"
00020                          << "\tpbuffDest == NULL.\n";
00021                 exit(1);
00022         }
00024         initInputMembers( vecInTex, lang, pbuffDest, NULL, dimen, z );
00025 }
00027 ComputeSlab::ComputeSlab( const VecTexPtr& vecInTex, GlewShadeLang lang, BasicTexture* texDest, 
00028                                                   const Vec2i& dimen, GLfloat z )
00029 {
00030         if( texDest==NULL ) {
00031                 err() << "ComputeSlab(...) Error:\n"
00032                          << "\ttexDest == NULL.\n";
00033                 exit(1);
00034         }
00036         initInputMembers( vecInTex, lang, NULL, texDest, dimen, z );
00037 }
00039 void ComputeSlab::initInputMembers( const VecTexPtr& vecInTex, GlewShadeLang lang,
00040                                                                     PBuffer* pbuffDest, BasicTexture* texDest, 
00041                                                                         const Vec2i& dimen, GLfloat z )
00042 {
00043         m_texInput      = new MultiTexture( vecInTex ); // Create the texture set
00044         m_lang          = lang;
00045         m_pbuffDest = pbuffDest;
00046         m_texDest       = texDest;
00047         m_dimen         = dimen;
00048         m_z                     = z;
00050         m_pass           = NULL;
00051         m_pixShader  = NULL;
00052         m_texPerturb = NULL;
00053         m_progShader = NULL;
00054         m_shader         = NULL;
00055         m_quad           = NULL;
00056         m_shadedPrim = NULL;
00057 }
00059 void ComputeSlab::create( PixelShader* pixShader )
00060 {
00061         // Create Programmable Shader
00062         m_pixShader      = pixShader;
00063         m_texPerturb = texPerturbs( m_dimen );  // Calls subclass-def'd virtual function
00064         m_progShader = new ProgShader( numTexUnits(), m_pixShader, m_texPerturb );
00066         m_shader         = new Shader( m_texInput, m_progShader );  // Create the complete shader
00067         m_quad           = new PlanarQuad( Vec2f(0.0), Vec2f(m_dimen.w, m_dimen.h), m_z, true ); // The geometry/texCoords
00068         m_shadedPrim = new ShadedPrim( m_quad, m_shader );                                                                       // Combine shader, texCoords/perturbs, geom
00069         m_pass           = new RenderPass(  m_shadedPrim, m_texDest, m_pbuffDest );
00070         //m_shadedPrim->compile();
00072         assert( m_pixShader != NULL );
00073         assert( m_progShader != NULL );
00074         assert( m_shader != NULL );
00075         assert( m_quad != NULL );
00076         assert( m_shadedPrim != NULL );
00077         assert( nand(m_pbuffDest, m_texDest) );//One or both of these MUST be NULL.
00078         assert( m_pass != NULL );
00080         derr("ComputeSlab::create(...): RenderPass created.);
00081 }
00083 ComputeSlab::ComputeSlab( const ComputeSlab& rhs )
00084 {
00085         copyMembers(rhs);
00086 }
00088 ComputeSlab& ComputeSlab::operator=( const ComputeSlab& rhs )
00089 {
00090         if( &rhs != this ) {
00091                 copyMembers(rhs);
00092         }
00093         return *this;
00094 }
00096 void ComputeSlab::copyMembers( const ComputeSlab& rhs )
00097 {
00098         copyMembers( rhs.m_pass, rhs.m_dimen, rhs.m_z, rhs.m_pbuffDest, rhs.m_texDest, rhs.m_lang,
00099                                  rhs.m_texInput, rhs.m_pixShader, rhs.m_shadedPrim, rhs.m_progShader, 
00100                                  rhs.m_quad, rhs.m_shader, rhs.m_texPerturb );
00101 }
00103 void ComputeSlab::copyMembers( RenderPass* pass, const Vec2i& dimen, GLfloat z, PBuffer* pbuffDest, 
00104                                                            BasicTexture* texDest, GlewShadeLang lang,
00105                                                            MultiTexture* texInput, PixelShader* pixShader, ShadedPrim* shadedPrim, 
00106                                                            ProgShader* progShader, RawPrim* quad, Shader* shader, 
00107                                                            TexCoordPerturb* texPerturb )
00108 {
00109         // These are input vars so they are shallow-copied.
00110         m_dimen = dimen;
00111         m_z             = z;
00112         m_pbuffDest = pbuffDest;
00113         m_texDest   = texDest;
00114         m_lang          = lang;
00116         reset(); // Delete all instance-allocated memory.
00118         // These are generated by each intance so they get deep-copied.
00119         // TODO: Call ->clone() on all of these...make a clone for ALL objects!!!
00120         m_texInput = texInput;
00121         m_pass  = pass;
00122         m_pixShader = pixShader;
00123         m_shadedPrim = shadedPrim;
00124         m_progShader = progShader;
00125         m_quad = quad;
00126         m_shader = shader;
00127         m_texPerturb = texPerturb;
00128 }
00130 ComputeSlab::~ComputeSlab()
00131 {
00132         reset();
00133 }
00135 void ComputeSlab::reset()
00136 {
00137         delete m_pass;
00138         delete m_pixShader;
00139         delete m_shadedPrim;
00140         delete m_progShader;
00141         delete m_quad;
00142         delete m_shader;
00143         delete m_texPerturb;
00144         delete m_texInput;
00145 }
00147 void ComputeSlab::render()
00148 {
00149         // This is here b/c we need the fully-constructed "this" pointer for initialization
00150         // so the constructor cannot do it (not ANSI-safe to do so even though VS 6.0 allows it).
00151         if( !m_pass ) {
00152                 create( makePixShader(this) );
00153         }
00155         m_pass->render();
00156 }
00158 void ComputeSlab::resetShader()
00159 {
00160         if( !m_pixShader ) {
00161                 create( makePixShader(this) );
00162         }
00164         m_pixShader->reset();
00165 }
00167 TexCoordPerturb* ComputeSlab::getTexPerturbs( const Vec2i& dimen )
00168 {
00169         return NULL;
00170 }
00172 void ComputeSlab::pixShaderATI()  
00173 {
00174         err() << "pixShaderATI() Error:\n"
00175                  << "\tVirtual Function not defined in base class.\n";
00176         exit(1);
00177 }
00179 void ComputeSlab::pixShaderNV20() 
00180 {
00181         err() << "pixShaderNV20() Error:\n"
00182                  << "\tVirtual Function not defined in base class.\n";
00183         exit(1);
00184 }
00186 void ComputeSlab::pixShaderNV30() 
00187 {
00188         err() << "pixShaderNV30() Error:\n"
00189                  << "\tVirtual Function not defined in base class.\n";
00190         exit(1);
00191 }
00193 void ComputeSlab::pixShaderCG()   
00194 {
00195         err() << "pixShaderCG() Error:\n"
00196                  << "\tVirtual Function not defined in base class.\n";
00197         exit(1);
00198 }

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