Mesh Generation

Variable mesh generation has been an arduous process.  The steps are:
  1. First select the nerve slice that will be used for the 3D model.  The fascicle from the original nerve slice image is recolored to show different tissue types.
  2. Run the image through a lens filter.  In the process, save the transform from the original x,y coordinates to the projected x,y coordinates.  This step can be done in the GIMP or in Matlab.
  3. Subsample the filtered image.  We selected every 5th pixel from the projected image.  This step can be done in Matlab or Photoshop.  Note that when using Photoshop, the 'Nearest neighbor' option must be selected to prevent interpolating colors.
  4. At this point we have two sets of data.  The first is a distorted image, color-coded by tissue type.  The second set contains the undistorted x,y coordinates for each pixel in the distorted image.  Each of these data sets is handled separately.  The distorted image is extruded in Matlab, and an (x,y,z) volume of conductivity indices are saved.  Each of these indices is mapped to a cell whose position is stored in the second data set.
  5. A third dataset is also needed.  Since SCIRun builds the tetvol mesh from node positions, these xyz coordinates are also needed.  The number of nodes is n+1 in the x,y and z dimensions of the matrix.
We have started generating the first set of mesh results:

Update March 12

New images: