Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

Ui_MainWindow Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Ui_MainWindow:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setupUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
void retranslateUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)

Public Attributes

QAction * actionNew
QAction * actionOpen
QAction * actionSave
QAction * actionSave_As
QAction * actionExit
QAction * actionPreferences
QAction * actionHelp
QAction * actionAbout
QAction * actionToolbars
QAction * actionTabs
QWidget * centralwidget
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QTabWidget * tabWidget
QWidget * wizardTab
QWidget * loadImagesTab
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_2
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QTreeWidget * treeWidget
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QPushButton * addImages
QPushButton * removeImages
QPushButton * moveUp
QPushButton * moveDown
QPushButton * searchTable
QPushButton * addSection
QPushButton * addBootstrapFile
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_2
QGroupBox * groupBox
QFormLayout * formLayout_3
QLabel * label_2
QLineEdit * lineEdit
QLabel * label_3
QLineEdit * lineEdit_2
QLabel * label_4
QLineEdit * lineEdit_3
QLabel * label_5
QLineEdit * lineEdit_4
QLabel * label_6
QLineEdit * lineEdit_5
QLabel * label_7
QLineEdit * lineEdit_6
QLabel * label_8
QLineEdit * lineEdit_7
QGroupBox * groupBox_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QGraphicsView * graphicsView
QWidget * bootstrapTab
QGridLayout * gridLayout_5
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_4
QTreeWidget * treeWidget_2
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout_3
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_3
QLabel * label
QLineEdit * lineEdit_8
QPushButton * pushButton_8
QGraphicsView * graphicsView_2
QWidget * viewVolumeTab
QWidget * annotateTab
QWidget * connectomeGraphTab
QMenuBar * menubar
QMenu * menuFile
QMenu * menuEdit
QMenu * menuHelp
QMenu * menuView
QStatusBar * statusbar
QToolBar * toolBar

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