CS 2100: Discrete Structures

Fall 2017

Schedule (subject to change, guest lectures marked with a *)

Topic (Tentative)
1 8/22* Introduction Lecture 01 Homework 1 (Logic): Due 9/5.
8/24* Module 1A (Logic­1) 1 Lecture 02
2 8/29 Module 1A (Logic­2) 1 Lecture 03
8/31 Module 1A (Logic­3) 1 Lecture 04
3 9/5 Module 1B (Proofs­1) 2 Lecture 05 Homework 2 (Proofs): Due 9/22
9/7 Quiz 1 (Module 1A) 1 Lecture 06
4 9/12 Module 1B (Proofs­2) 2 Lecture 07
9/14 Module 1B (Proofs­3) 2 Lecture 08
5 9/19 Module 1B (Proofs­4) 2 Lecture 09
9/21 Module 2 (Sets­1) 3 Lecture 10 Homework 3 (Sets): Due 10/6.
6 9/26 Quiz 2 (Module 1B) 2 Lecture 11
9/28 Module 2 (Sets­2) 3 Lecture 12
7 10/3* Module 2 (Sets­3) 3 Lecture 13
10/5* Module 3 (Functions & Relations­1) 4 Lecture 14 Homework 4 (F & R): Due 10/31.
8 10/10 Happy Fall Break!
10/12 Happy Fall Break!
9 10/17 Module 3 (Functions & Relations­2) 4 Lecture 15
10/19 Quiz 3 (Module 2) 3 Lecture 16
10 10/24 Module 3 (Functions & Relations­3) 4 Lecture 17
10/26 Module 3 (Functions & Relations­4) 4 Lecture 18
11 10/31 Class Cancellation Lecture 19
11/2 Module 3
(Functions & Relations­4, Quiz Review)
4 Lecture 20
12 11/7 Quiz 4 (Module 3) 4 Lecture 21
11/9 Module 4A (Combinatorics­1) 5 Lecture 22 Homework 5 (Combinatorics): Due 11/21.
13 11/14 Module 4A (Combinatorics­2) 5 Lecture 23
11/16 Module 4A (Combinatorics­3) 5 Lecture 24
14 11/21 Module 4B (Probability­1) 6 Lecture 25 Homework 6 (Probability): Due: 12/01.
11/23 Happy Thanksgiving!
15 11/28 Module 4B (Probability­2) 6 Lecture 26
11/30 Quiz 5 (Modules 4A & 4B-1, 4B-2) 5, 6 Lecture 27
16 12/5 Module 4B (Probability­3) 6 Lecture 28
12/7 Review Lecture 29
17 Final Exam 12/12 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. WEB L101 regular classroom (L101 WEB)