IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing 2008, Los Angeles, California

Checklist before you submit your materials

Before you submit your final version of your material, please review this checklist carefully. The violation of these points have delayed and increased the amount of work involved in production of the proceedings last year, so we ask for your cooperation to make sure that these hints are followed.

  • Fonts and Margins

    Please check carefully that your fonts and margins conform to the formatting guidelines. Your paper will be returned if it does not conform to these guidelines or includes unreadable font.
  • Keywords

    A list of relevant keywords should be included at the conclusion of the paper's abstract. Additionally, descriptors from the ACM Computing Classification System should be used.
  • Copyright Space

    A 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) space must be left at the bottom of the left column on the first page of the paper for the copyright information added during the printing process.
  • Please use 8.5 X 11 paper size (letter)

    Unless absolutely necessary, please use 8.5 X 11 paper size. If you must use A4 page size for your documents, please use the top/left/right margins guidelines and make sure your columns are no longer than 9.25 inches (23.49 cm).
  • Length of the document

    Please make sure that the length of the document does not exceed the page limit set on your conference's preparation guidelines page. If you exceed this number we will have to return the paper to you. If you feel that you have to have more than the allowed number of pages you will have to clarify this before hand with the papers chairs or the case studies chairs.
  • Page Numbers

    Your pages should NOT include any page numbers.
  • Quality PDF documents

    Instructions for preparing quality PDF documents can be found here. Please take special care that:

    • all fonts are embedded
    • no type 3 fonts are used
    • all images are high resolution (300dpi) and uncompressed
  • 8.3 format for supplemental material

    If you are submitting supplemental material, please make sure that all your files have 8.3 characters as file names. Full instructions for preparing and submitting supplemental material can be found here.
  • Copyright form

    No paper can be published before we have received the appropriate copyright form. Please note, that the IEEE Copyright Form was changed in 2002. We have also updated our system to handle the new IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF). This is the preferred format for submission of an IEEE Copyright Form. If you are unable for some reason to submit using the eCF, instructions for obtaining and mailing a hardcopy copyright form can be found here.