@Article{SCI:Gil2008a, author = "J.H. Gilmore and L. Smith and H. Wolfe and B. Hertzberg and J.K. Smith and N. Chescheir and D. Evans and C. Kang and R.M. Hamer and W. Lin and G. Gerig", title = "Prenatal Mild Ventriculomegaly Predicts Abnormal Development of the Neonatal Brain", journal = "Biological Psychiatry", volume = "64", number = "12", pages = "1069-1076", year = "2008", month = "Dec", pmid = "18835482", keywords = "brain development, ventriculomegaly, ucnia", url = "http://www.sci.utah.edu/publications/gilmore08/Prenatal_Ventriculomegaly.pdf", }