Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing

CIBC Workshop 2009

January 18-19  /  Northeastern University


The NIH/NCRR Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC) is pleased to offer a workshop for scientists and engineers interested in learning how to use the CIBC software. The goal of the workshop will be to describe both the problem solving environment, SCIRun, and some of the related "power apps", programs developed by the CIBC for specific high-impact biomedical applications. We especially encourage students, post docs, and staff-the actual users of our software-to attend the workshop. We also invite participants to bring their own data and their laptop computers so as to provide relevant, real world examples. CIBC staff and developers will be on hand to help participants learn the programs, port their data, and generate useful results.

Instructors: CIBC faculty member Dana Brooks as well and staff scientists and developers Jeroen Stinstra, Ayla Khan, and Tom Fogal.


Day 1

1.1 Introduction (Dana Brooks)

1.2 Image Segmentation and Seg3D (Dana Brooks)

1.3 Demo Seg3D (Jeroen Stinstra)

1.4 Seg3D Tutorial (Jeroen Stinstra)

1.5 ImageVis3D (Tom Fogal)

1.6 ImageVis3D Tutorial (Tom Fogal)

Day 2

2.1 Overview CIBC Center & Software Download (Dana Brooks & Ayla Khan)

2.2 SCIRun Basics Part 1 (Jeroen Stinstra)

2.3 SCIRun Lab 1 (Ayla Khan)

2.4 SCIRun Basics Part 2 (Jeroen Stinstra)

2.5 SCIRun Lab 2 (same pdf as Lab 1 see p.18)(Ayla Khan)

2.6 SCIRun: Creating a model in SCIRun (Jeroen Stinstra)

2.7 SCIRun Lab 3 (Jeroen Stinstra & Ayla Khan)