cs6620 Project 4

Abe Stephens

Required Image

( 1.12852 seconds four threads, 3.03494 seconds one thread. )

Create Images:

This image meets the creative image requirement. There are two phong materials (green ship and gold sphere), two metal materials (red ship, silver ship, and silver sphere), and two dielectric materials (cube and floor). The ships are simple closed meshes.

Menger Sponge made from a metal material. The floor consists of a phong layer under a dielectric layer.

Dielectric menger spong next to lambertian and metalic sponges.


Performance template may be found here.

I implemented the ray tree pruning optimization for the dielectric materials. This resulted in a noticable performance improvement. There appears to be a slight color difference in the height field of the required image. I implemented both the Phong shader and the Dielectric Shader by extending a templated parent class. In this way each shader could use any other material for its diffuse or specular shading respectively. There is also some noise in the image from single floating point precision issues.

Time spent: ~ 0.75 weeks. Although I also made some improvements to the threading mechanism of my ray tracer, as well as implemented some datastructures to display the meshes.

Difficulty: I think the most difficult part is figuring out how to control the material properties.